Contextual Advertising   Vibrant Media SmartAD

Vibrant Media IntelliTXT


Vibrant Media

Vibrant Media IntelliTXT links for publishers

Program FAQ Policies Screenshot Apply to Vibrant Media IntelliTXT

Vibrant Media IntelliTXT Info

Minimum traffic: 500,000 page views per month.

Countries allowed: All

Languages: English

Revenue Type: CPC

Web popularity:

Vibrant Media

About Vibrant Media

Vibrant Media is a contextual media pioneer and the world's leading provider of in-text advertising, giving marketers the opportunity to deliver highly targeted, user-initiated online advertisements within the text of web content.


Vibrant Media IntelliTXT

Vibrant Media IntelliTXT for publishers and webmasters

Is your Website delivering more than 500,000 page views of text based content a month?

We work closely with advertisers to plan and optimize their IntelliTXT media campaigns, allowing us to expand your website's advertising real estate with relevant in-text media placements.

IntelliTXT advertising campaigns will increase your advertising revenue without adding more clutter, allowing you to expand advertising real estate with relevant in-text placements.

A user must mouse-over an IntelliTXT word to view a relevant advertisement. IntelliTXT is a 100% User-Driven Advertising Experience.

As simple as running a banner campaign, IntelliTXT campaigns are easy to implement. If your site qualifies IntelliTXT campaigns can be live with in one business day.
