Contextual Advertising
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Vibrant Media SmartAD


Vibrant Media

Vibrant Media SmartAD links for publishers

Program FAQ Policies Apply to Vibrant Media SmartAD

Vibrant Media SmartAD Info

Minimum traffic: 500,000 page views per month

Countries allowed: All

Languages: English

Revenue Type: CPM

Note: Content categories: computing & IT, general news, business, small business

Web popularity:

Vibrant Media

About Vibrant Media

Vibrant Media is a contextual media pioneer and the world's leading provider of in-text advertising, giving marketers the opportunity to deliver highly targeted, user-initiated online advertisements within the text of web content.


Vibrant Media SmartAD

Vibrant Media SmartAD for publishers and webmasters

Vibrant Media’s technology reads, understands and then matches web publishers’ high-quality content with relevant graphical advertisements. The most contextually relevant, highest yielding graphical ads are dynamically delivered adjacent to editorial content. The result? Relevant information for the user, a very high conversion rate/ROI for the advertiser, and an incremental revenue stream for the publisher.

SmartAD a publisher-side solution that enables you to earn the most from your current advertising inventory

* Delivers incremental display advertising revenue

* Back fills ad real-estate with high quality relevant advertisers to help balance inventory

* Vibrant Media’s brand remains completely invisible

* Easy to deploy and access to 24-7 reporting

* Automates analysis and categorization of content to determine contextually appropriate advertising message
